New World Order--Conspiracy Theory?

Barak Obama's New World Order--Time Magazine

G-20 Shapes New World Order With Lesser Role for U.S., Markets--Bloomberg

G20 ushers in a 'new world order--Globe and Mail

A 'Truly New World Order' Emerges; Global Currency Closer--Le Monde (Translation)

The first bricks in a new world order--Financial Times

Now, of course, this is only significant if the term 'New World Order' is being used by the "conspiricy theorits" and the G-20 in a similar way. It seems that there are at least two significant connections between what the conspiracy theorists were/are predicting will happen and what is being called for by the G-20. (1.) The creation of a global currency, and (2.) the consolidation of all monetary power within one central world bank.


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