Economic Suicide

Now the looting of the country, uhh... excuse me, "rescue" package (Orwell rolls in his grave) has risen to just about the total GDP of the United States.

Imagine taking out a loan for your entire year's salary and purposely investing it in worthless paper that is literally called "toxic" in the hope that it will one day pay a return. Great deal right? But it gets worse.

One thing the lame stream media tends to forget to mention is that the all of this money has an interest rate attached to it just like any other loan.

And this additional money goes to the banksters.

Wait? Could that be right? We are essentially swiping the Nation's credit card to "bail out" the banksters, and they get to collect an APR on top of it? That's right.

Hmmm... I wonder whose interests are really being protected here? Could it be that all of this talk about "saving jobs", creating jobs, stimulating lending, etc. is a giant distraction?

Could it be the media hype about the AIG bonuses totaling in what used to be considered a substantial amount--millions--is just a way of tugging at the Nation's emotions to distract it from the real issue?

I wonder what is going to happen if and when China dumps the dollar and all of that money comes home to roost?

Oh and by the way, this "financial rescue" (I'm quoting from the above link now) " out to $42,105 for every man, woman and child in the U.S."


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