The IMF's Historical Role

Here is the strategy the IMF (International Monetary Fund) have used in the so-called 3rd world:

1. Convince the government to take a loan whether they need it or not.  If they aren't in economic trouble "prove" that certain investments will "expand" the economy, bring future benefits, etc.

2. If the government leaders are smart and smell a fish, try to bribe them.

3. If they are ethical and stand up for the interests of their people send in the CIA "jackels", i.e., kill them.

4. Once the loan is accepted the trap is sprung.  The interest rate is set based on the phoney estimations of economic expansion.  Ooops!

5. Also, the cash gets funneled to first world nations (read: the United States) to build the infrastructure that will "expand the economy."

6. Once the country defaults on its payments (small scale: think credit cards) it must "restructure" via "shock therapy."

7. The net effect is to slash public programs, drive down the cost of real assests and allow the banks to swoop in like a vulture and confisacte the Countries assets--oh, I mean "privatize."

Ignorant and self-satisfied Americans this same strategy is about to be applied to us with an equal lack of mercy.

Obama is bought and sold so there is no need for the Jackels, and if he should become a JFK just wait for the bullet(s).  

Where will the money be funneled to?  This is the only variation on the strategy.  It has ALREADY been stolen where the new promise is economic stability so that economic institutions that are "too big to fail" won't collapse the economy as a whole.

In reality this is a massive transfer of wealth to the few in expectation of what is coming...


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