Global Currency, Global Bank

The move is on for the destruction of state sovereignty and the development of a central world state bank operating with a single currency.

All of this seems sporadic and local until you start to think globally.

In any case if you want to see the plan look at the translation of China's proposal for a world currency from the People's Bank of China here.

The degree to which our politicians must be two-faced about this is evident. To say they are against it will freak the holders of dollars who are looking long term. To say that they are for it immediately depresses the value of the dollar. Link

But the fact is that it is only a matter of time. In terms of the dollar the gun is held to everyone's head and the only question is when it implodes. Put differently, we are looking at a bubble at the global level.

So, as always, follow the money. If the world goes into a deep depression with no safe haven who stands to gain? Who can offer the solution? Might they be the same?


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